Monday 28 January 2013

A little of this and a little of that

First off i would like to thank my sister Michelle for making the suggestion about making blogs of anything that is on my far I am loving It...This is giving me the opportunity to get my thoughts,feelings,rants,raves and woes off my mind...I am engaged to a wonderful supportive guy Scottie and I have the most wonderful supportive family a girl like me can have..January of last year it felt like my world was crumbling down around me when I heard the doctor say the words nobody ever wants to hear....Nicole you have heart sunk to the floor...soon after I had a full hysteretomy and my cancer and my cancer had a name (endometrial carsonoma) a non cureable kind but can be maintained with chermotherapy...I started my first 6 rounds 6 weeks after my surgery and dealt with losing my hair,pain and all the other side effects...still staying positive,strong,and keeping my faith...It has spread some guess the first rounds pissed the cancer off I am now finishing my second round of 6 ..i have indured alot the last year but am I dont feel as my world is crumbing anymore I am still positive and I still smile even when im feeling down or angry..I will not let it become me or overcome me I will stand strong and fight the good fight as long as I have my wonderful supportive family near and far by my side...sorry i didnt get much into all the information above ...but It is my first blog